How One Brand Drives Sales With Emotional Marketing


Emotional marketing. What is it? How does it help your business?

One brand is using emotional marketing, or marketing that emphasises an emotional connection between your brand and your customer, to entertain and inform potential clients.

Jain, founder of Jain 108 Academy, philosopher, and Sacred Geometry thought leader, unravels his origin story in an emotional marketing documentary film “Epiphanies”, directed by Michael Hanson. The film examines the trauma he endured and how his breakthroughs are fundamental to the next generation of technology. So how is Jain leveraging this emotionally driven content in advertising? And how can you do the same to grow your business?

About ‘Jain 108 Academy’.

Jain 108 Academy is an online school that brings the ancient and foundational knowledge of sacred geometry and speed maths to the world. Jain also provides in-person classes and one-off lectures that span from beginner lessons to advanced theoretical concepts.


Before talking with us about telling a brand story, Jain 108 Academy had already built a large and well-engaged community on their social media platforms. They have a collective following of over 500k and an email list in the tens of thousands. 

Jain 108 Academy utilised this following when they premiered the video, posting it across all their platforms and notifying the more devout followers directly through their email list.

Through our unique storytelling formulas, we harnessed the awareness they had developed and transformed it into a deepened emotional connection that has been leveraged into sales. This shift helped take their business to from a few thousand a month to producing nearly six-figures in monthly course sales.

When businesses & brands have approached us in the past for sales-focused advertising, we have recommended using a full Klout package. In this package, a brand will first build a desire for their product with a Hustle video and then establish an emotional bond with their audience in a Humanize video.

“We found that the visual medium excels with Jain’s teachings over anything written. This is why we chose Michael, a specialised visual brand storyteller to tell his story over copywriters or another agency.” - Aysha Sun ‘Jain 108 Academy Marketing Manager’

The core purpose of ‘Epiphanies’ is to be the central consideration piece for the release of any new webinar sales campaign and curriculum of online courses. The video will be front and centre during the opt-in phase of their sales process, establishing that emotional touchpoint as they’re bringing people into the consideration phase of their sales process.

“Epiphanies” has also been used to raise their brand value both on social media by wrapping it in purpose. It has been pinned to the top of their Facebook page and highlighted on their website’s homepage. This strategy allows the documentary to provide constant value as an evergreen piece of content.